Does Acupuncture Work for Post-Op Pain? blog

Does Acupuncture Work for Post-Op Pain?

  • Throat Pain– this is often caused by anesthesia. Your throat may feel sore or scratchy.

  • Nausea/Vomiting/Stomach pain – this is often caused by anesthesia or certain types of surgery.

  • Movement Pain – many doctors nowadays will encourage you to post-op in an effort to encourage the healing to start. They will encourage movements such as sitting up and walking, and these are crucial for discharge but can also cause more pain around or at the surgery site.

  • Muscle Pain – this is often caused by the surgery itself, but due to the length of the surgery. Depending on how long the surgery took, you may feel pain in the chest, back, neck, and shoulders.
  • Additional Benefits – acupuncture aids with clearing the mind fog, sleep problems, and nausea/vomiting that can be after effects of surgery.

  • Improve blood circulation – improving blood circulation will decrease swelling.

  • Reduce scarring – scarring a side-effect of surgery that cannot be avoided. With the increase in blood flow with acupuncture treatment, it allows for the scar tissue to break up.

  • Increase endorphins – these hormones are innately released with acupuncture treatment, and they help to decrease pain and stress, and improve the mood.

  • Decrease opioids dependence – In the United States, the opioid crisis is still surging, and with opioids being prescribed left and right, it is no wonder many people are unintentionally becoming addicted. This dependence can cause further issues down the road, when all you needed was to manage pain from surgery.

  • Decrease inflammation – mild inflammation is necessary to heal, but if it becomes consistent, then it can be a problem.

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