The benefits of acupuncture for neck pain are extensive, and work in multiple ways along with your body to provide pain relief in the neck. While the idea of using acupuncture needles to treat neck pain may seem illogical to some, acupuncture does not hurt. In fact, many patients even fall asleep during treatment as many find it to be a relaxing experience. Neck pain is one of the top reasons people seek acupuncture treatment, understandably so as neck pain affects 10 – 20% of adults. Additionally, neck pain increases with age, and while there are ways to suppress pain in standard medicine, those methods often come with harmful side effects. Acupuncture, along with other Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments, are all-natural treatments that work with your body rather than against it to mitigate your neck pain.
Neck Pain Facts
Neck pain, in the medical world known as cervicalgia, is pain in or around the spine beneath the head known as the cervical spine. Luckily, in general, most cases of neck pain are not serious and do improve with treatment like acupuncture, medication, exercise, or managing stress. Obviously, neck pain in and of itself is pretty straight forward as to what it is, but there are various types of neck pain out there. It is important to understand these types as not all neck pain is the same, and this will ensure that you receive the most helpful treatment possible from your licensed acupuncturist.
Common Types of Neck Pain:
- Whiplash – this is usually related to a car accident or other trauma incident in which the head is suddenly jerked backward and forward. This can cause neck pain, dizziness, potential memory problems, and headaches.
- Tech Neck – this occurs very often nowadays being that we are attached to our devices. Essentially, this happens when we spend more time hunched over our smart phones or various other devices causing strain on the neck.
- Neck Strain – this happens when the neck muscles are overworked or in drawn out tension due to strange or sudden movements, many hours at a computer, or weak posture.
- Cervical Radiculopathy – this is when surrounding tissues in the neck compress thus irritating the nerve within the neck frequently caused by herniated discs or bone spurs on the vertebrae in the cervical spine. This type of neck pain is a sharp, shooting pain radiating down the arm, and sometimes, it can also feel like numbness and tingling.
- Cervicogenic Headaches – these headaches originate from a problem with the neck nerves, bones, or inflamed, damaged or misaligned muscles which press on the surrounding tissues causing headache and neck pain.
- Cervical Spondylosis – this is also called neck osteoarthritis, which like other forms of osteoarthritis, involves the deterioration of the discs and joints in the cervical spine over time. This condition causes stiff and painful neck, and decreased range of motion.
In a nutshell, neck pain can be the result of soft tissue strain, joint wear and tear, or nerve irritation, and can impact one’s daily life making it a substantial problem within the adult population. Along with back pain, neck pain is one of the most common reasons people turn to pain medication or surgery to seek pain relief, but standard medicine, although sometimes necessary and has its place, is more of a “one-size-fits-all” way of treatment. Pain, in its various forms, is not the same on everyone, and a more individualized treatment may be necessary in order to truly reduce pain.
Acupuncture for Neck Pain
Your licensed acupuncturist will have a comprehensive evaluation to verify the root cause of your neck pain. Unlike traditional medicine, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the root cause, not just the symptoms making it a much more individualized treatment, and the potential for higher success rates.
Acupuncture Works for Neck Pain By:
- Replenishing the body’s energy
- Invigorating the biochemical changes in the neck and the central nervous system
- Releasing muscle tension, facilitate pain alleviation, and decreasing inflammation by increasing blood flow
- Reducing stress in the body and the mind which often can contribute to body pain such as in the neck.
When it’s said that acupuncture treatment works with your body not against it, this means that acupuncture works by releasing your own body’s innate healing capabilities. Acupuncture treatment releases endorphins and neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, and stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to generate more pain-relieving hormones in the body. Basically, acupuncture stimulates the body to respond properly and allow for pain relief.
Hair-thin acupuncture needles are inserted either locally in the neck or distally depending on your individual needs regarding your neck pain, and what the licensed acupuncturist finds after a thorough consultation and exam. The amount of acupuncture visits needed or how often you will need to come is dependent on each individual based on the consultation, the duration of your neck pain, and the severity of your symptoms. Without a physical exam and proper examination questions, it is not possible to truly know how often you would need to go to acupuncture. It is best to see your licensed acupuncturist in person if possible to get the best results for your neck pain. There are various other methods/therapies acupuncturists can use that can help with neck pain as well that are also natural, and can be used in conjunction with one another.
Other Traditional Chinese Medicine Options for Neck Pain:
- Cupping – this is something many have heard of due to its popularity with various famous celebrities benefiting from its perks, easing muscles and stored up tension.
- Ear Seeds – these are utilized to activate pressure points in the each which correspond with various parts of the body, and your acupuncturist may recommend to massage them throughout the day for boosted benefits.
- Herbal Medicine – this is very common in an acupuncture practice to also see herbs for treating various conditions including neck pain. Herbal medicine such as turmeric, ginger, and devil’s claw all contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help eliminate neck pain.
Neck pain is irritating at best, and can be crippling for everyday life at its worst. Acupuncture is a non-invasive, drug-free alternative to neck pain relief with the potential for long-term, full healing rather than masking symptoms. You can also help to prevent neck pain with maintaining good posture, consistent exercise, stretching, taking breaks when sitting or hunched for long periods of time, using a supportive pillow, quitting smoking, and being aware of your habits with technology; taking breaks with that as well when possible. Your licensed acupuncturist will treat your neck pain, but more than that they will also help with lifestyle changes, and ways to prevent future pain issues making acupuncture a well-rounded, safe treatment for your neck pain.