Acupuncture for ADHD is more mainstream now than ever before, and is a great treatment option for those with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Whether you are a parent with a child with ADD/ADHD or have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD yourself, acupuncture treatment can aid with many of the symptoms that come along with it many times better than ADHD medications. In recent years, ADHD diagnosis has increased significantly, around 42%, leading those afflicted with ADHD to believe their option solely lies in medication. While medication is necessary for some to mitigate ADHD symptoms, acupuncture is also a beneficial treatment alone or along with medication to find relief from ADHD symptoms. About 1/3 of those children that are diagnosed with ADHD maintain that diagnosis into adulthood according to the National Institute of Mental Health, and acupuncture could be the answer.
ADHD Fundamentals
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting the brain and nervous system affecting brain development. It is believed that ADHD is present from birth not something developed over time. Those that have ADHD are well aware of the struggles that they go through on a daily basis, but it is vital for you to also have a support system in place of those who also fully understand, at minimum, the basics of living with ADHD. It is important to know that ADHD does have a great deal to do with genetics, and ADHD tends to run in families. Although there is no cure, it can be managed with various treatment options for symptoms that you may struggle with.
Possible ADHD Symptoms:
- Lack of focus or having trouble concentrating/paying attention
- Appearing to not listen when being spoken to
- Interrupting often
- Fidgeting and squirming
- Excessively talking
- Easily distracted
- Not thinking before acting
- Having a short fuse or dysregulation of emotions
- Insomnia
- Tics
- Headaches
While these symptoms may not seem like much, they can indeed cause problems in daily life if they are left untreated. It is important to know that although there are some similar symptoms in most people with ADHD, it is not a one-size-fits-all condition.
Facts about ADHD:
- ADHD looks different in every person – ADHD doesn’t show up the same in everyone. For example, some of those with ADHD are extroverted and outgoing, while others are withdrawn and introverted.
- ADHD diagnosis doesn’t mean you can’t focus on anything – while lack of focus is one of the main symptoms synonymous with ADHD, it simply means that you cannot focus on the right things. If something does not interest a person with ADHD, they will often tune out.
- ADHD is not only a condition in childhood – over 4% of adults in the United States have ADHD, and while it is most common to be diagnosed in childhood, it is also common among millions of adults. However, diagnosing it in adults can be difficult because it can co-exist with conditions like depression and anxiety.
There are many ways that ADHD can present in people, and it is difficult in standard medicine to treat each individual’s symptoms because although useful at times, medications for ADHD are generalized based on the majority of symptoms. Acupuncture is a holistic, safe, and effective treatment option for ADHD while treating patients on an individualized level.
Acupuncture for ADHD
Acupuncture benefits for ADHD are endless, and can even possibly treat other co-existing issues to boot. Acupuncture works by using hair-thin needles on acupuncture points to clear blockages, and being that acupuncture points are close to the nerves, it is no wonder that the treatment is effective. In particular, ear acupuncture (auricular acupuncture) is particularly helpful in the treatment of ADHD. Studies have shown changes in brain function and chemistry after auricular acupuncture treatment.
In addition to acupuncture treatment, your licensed acupuncturist may also prescribe herbal medicine to help with ADHD symptoms and restore balance within the body. Many herbal formulas or specific herbs can restore balance and improve memory as well as other cognitive functions.
A recent study from 2023, Herbal Medicines in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), it was found that the herbs Biloba and Ginseng may improve symptoms of ADHD.
- Biloba – known as Ginkgo Biloba which contains an antioxidant, neurotransmitter/receptor modulatory, and inhibition of platelet activation. Since this herb contains these helpful things, this herb can potentially improve memory and cognitive speed.
- Ginseng – the roots and rhizomes are utilized, and have various pharmacologic benefits such as anti-stress, improved cognitive function, and preventing memory impairment.
There are a multitude of herbal formulas and herbs out there in Traditional Chinese medicine that can benefit ADHD symptoms. The efficiency of herbal medicine will depend on your particular needs when it comes to your ADHD, and this can be discussed with your acupuncturist during your in-depth consultation.
Try Acupuncture for ADHD
When it comes to ADHD, it can be extremely frustrating for both adults and parents of children with ADHD because it feels like many times there is no way to help. It often feels like people are judgmental or don’t believe it to be a real problem or believe with person or child is simply “lazy”. Acupuncture treatment for ADHD is now even more widely recommended by standard medical providers especially with the ever-growing positive results in research on top of patient positive results. If standard medical care is not giving the results you’re seeking in you or your child’s ADHD, acupuncture treatment is worth a try if for nothing else but its safe, effective, and holistic nature.