Neuropathy is experienced by about 2.4% of the population, and anywhere between 1% – 7% in those older than 50 years old. Acupuncture works for neuropathy by honing in on both resolving the root cause, and clearing the pathways so that blood flows more freely. When dealing with neuropathy, it can inhibit day to day activities and quality of life. Unfortunately, conventional medicine does not always help, and if it does, it will usually come with a truck load of potentially harmful side effects in addition to not changing the underlying cause. The longevity of these side effects is what has patients across the country turning to acupuncture for their neuropathy treatment.
Understanding Neuropathy
By definition, neuropathy, often referred to as peripheral neuropathy, happens when the nerves that are responsible for sending messages from the spinal cord and brain to the rest of the body are damaged. This causes odd sensations of tingling, numbness, and sometimes pain usually in the limbs, however, it can happen anywhere in the body. It can affect sensory nerves such as hot/cold, motor nerves governing how one moves, and even autonomic nerves such as the ones that control body temperature and heart rate.
Nerve Types Explained:
- Sensory – these are nerves that are responsible for the feeling of pain, touch, and temperature.
- Motor – these are the nerves that are responsible for handling muscle movement.
- Autonomic – these are the nerves that are responsible for body functions outside of one’s control like breathing, digestion, heart rate, blood pressure, and the bladder.
Neuropathy can be the result of a variety of things such as vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune issues, exposure to toxins, infections, metabolic issues, and more. The most common cause, however, is diabetes.
Types of neuropathy:
- Polyneuropathy – the most common type of neuropathy which involves many nerves being affected.
- Mononeuropathy – only one damaged nerve or nerve group most often from inflammation, trauma, pressure, or injury.
Most people with neuropathy report symptoms of numbness and tingling, but also will report pain or burning sensation in the limbs or affected part of the body. Currently, standard medical treatment for these issues involves anti-inflammatory medications, and newer options like anti-depressants and even anti-convulsant medications. However, these medications do only mask the pain temporarily without addressing the root cause of the neuropathy in addition to coming with a truck load of both temporary and long-term side effects both mild and severe in nature. Due to these issues, many people who suffer from neuropathy are turning to alternative medicines like acupuncture to treat their neuropathy pain and numbness, and spoiler…it works!
Acupuncture for Neuropathy
Acupuncture works for neuropathy by re-stimulating and regenerating the damaged nerves, and also works to prevent the nerves from dying altogether. Acupuncture is also beneficial for improved blood flow which stimulate the nerve pathways within the body. Essentially, all of this is to say that the additional blood flow that’s gained from acupuncture treatment enables the nerves to work more efficiently therefore rectifying symptoms of neuropathy.
Acupuncture also helps with neuropathy pain as well as with the numbness and tingling caused by neuropathy. By altering the way that pain signals are received by the brain, acupuncture allows for the brain to release endorphins and various other natural pain-relieving chemicals to feel pain relief. In the world of Eastern medicine, neuropathy happens with a blockage of the flow of blood and qi; the body’s energy or life force.
Benefits of Acupuncture for Neuropathy:
- Improve habits – many times neuropathy comes from the lifestyle of the individual. It can stem from things like a bad diet, alcohol abuse, or smoking. Licensed acupuncturists will aid in determining the causes and coming up with a treatment plan for both in and out of the office.
- Holistic pain relief – as stated before, acupuncture releases neurochemicals which are the body’s natural pain relievers. The benefits of pain relief are felt long after treatment ends.
- Enhance the mood – acupuncture also works for many issues of mental health which often comes along with chronic issues like neuropathy.
Acupuncture has two main functions when it comes to treating neuropathy. One, is to treat the root cause and resulting symptoms, and two, aid in strengthening the body for better blood flow and optimal results.
Acupuncture helps to mitigate these symptoms of neuropathy:
- Muscle weakness
- Nerve pain
- Tingling and numbness
- Digestive issues
- Sensitivity to touch
- Intolerance to heat
- Cramping or twitching
The ultimate goal of acupuncture treatment for neuropathy is to keep the nerves working and engaged by regenerating and preserving them through acupuncture. There has been a lot more research done in the last decade for acupuncture treatment and common ailments, not least of which has been neuropathy. Many traditional medicine doctors are even recommending acupuncture to patients in recent years as an effective treatment for neuropathy as well as many other issues of the body and mind.
Acupuncture for Neuropathy Research:
- Acupuncture May Help to Prevent Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy, 2023:
- This study worked to evaluate the efficiency of acupuncture in preventing chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy.
- The study concluded that acupuncture showed “neuroprotective effects on mechanical or tactile touch thresholds during chemotherapy regimens in patients with CRC (colorectal cancer), with evidence of this protectiveness persisting at 6 months’ follow-up.”
- This study worked to evaluate the efficiency of acupuncture in preventing chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy.
- Acupuncture for Neuropathic Pain, 2023:
- This study investigated the effects on neuropathy pain and the safety of acupuncture on patients with neuropathy.
- The study concluded that acupuncture had a higher effective rate than sham interventions or blank control for changes in pain.
- This study investigated the effects on neuropathy pain and the safety of acupuncture on patients with neuropathy.
Essentially, acupuncture treatment has been found to be highly effective on neuropathy pain and numbness. Additionally, it is the only medical therapy currently out there that not only helps with symptoms, but helps to reestablish communication between the brain and the peripheral nervous system which is why acupuncture is an effective treatment for many people. If you have tried everything, and are unsure where to turn next for your neuropathy, acupuncture has great results and is safe…win/win!