Acupuncture works for the treatment for low back pain; so much so that nearly 10 million Americans schedule acupuncture sessions each year. It is also the leading cause of disability to Americans, and unfortunately, conventional medicine has not been able to address the issue other than with harmful medications to mask the problem rather than heal. In this day and age, many people are turning to alternative medicine not just because they have tried everything else to no avail, but also because it works. Recent research shows that acupuncture treatment exhibited improvement in those with low back pain. Acupuncture is becoming more mainstream in the US as there has been more research in the last couple of decades for it. Many people are finding that they do not want the side effects, drugs, or possible addiction issue that can come with opioids for pain, and instead are turning to a natural remedy that actually makes a difference with their back pain.
Back Pain Basics
Back pain, also known as Lumbago amongst providers, can be caused by multiple factors and can be acute or chronic in nature.
Symptoms of Low Back Pain:
- Muscle tightness or spasms
- Limited mobility or stiffness
- Tingling or numbness that can be felt all the way down the leg
- Aching pain
All of these symptoms are indicative of the type of low back pain and where it is stemming from. Acute back pain often stems from something sudden such as a sports injury or fall, whereas chronic low back pain is usually caused by overuse, poor posture, or underlying medical conditions.
Most Common Causes of Low Back Pain:
- Disc Herniation – the discs of the spine are used to cushion the vertebrae for shock absorption. Herniated discs happen when the outer layer of a disc on the spine tears or even ruptures. If there is a herniated disc/s in the lower back, it is likely that you will also feel pain in the legs and buttocks.
- Degenerative Disc Disease – this happens naturally as we age causing the discs of the spine to dry out and become less effective at shock absorption.
- Sciatica – this is caused by pinching of the sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back down the legs. It is common in those that have a herniated disc that is pushing on the sciatic nerve.
- Spinal Stenosis – this happens when there is pressure on the spinal nerves and cord due to the spinal canal narrowing. This can cause back pain, tingling and numbness, and muscle frailty.
There are many more conditions that can cause back pain such as facet syndrome, spondylosis, and spondylolisthesis. Low back pain can disrupt daily life and activities like chores, hobbies, and even sleeping. Up until the 1970’s when acupuncture gained more popularity and awareness in the United States, the only method for dealing with back pain issues was with opioids, rest or surgery. In recent years, acupuncture has become much more mainstream helping many people holistically regain their lives and alleviate both every day and chronic pain.
Acupuncture Works for Low Back Pain
Acupuncture works by stimulating the neural pathways to the spinal cord with hair thin acupuncture needles which disables the pain centers of the brain. Additionally, acupuncture treatment activates the body’s natural opioids like endorphins and enkephalins to make it a natural, safe, and effective choice for controlling pain. There are many biochemicals within the body that are activated or managed by acupuncture which also initiate pain relief such as GABA, ATP, and Substance P which is the principal neurotransmitter linked to pain sensations.
Acupuncture works for low back pain by:
- Stimulating the nervous system – by placing acupuncture needles in strategic points, the acupuncture points stimulate and release natural chemicals into the brain, spinal cord, and muscles leading to a decrease in pain.
- Neurotransmitters and neurohormones – your licensed acupuncturist will place acupuncture needles in the correct points for low back pain which will allow for the production of hormones which aid in regulating nerve function.
- Releases natural chemicals – these chemicals in the body are normally only released during active trauma, however, with acupuncture needles on large area of the body, it is more likely for the body to release these natural pan relief chemicals. The best part is that these chemicals released are already naturally released in your body. Since this is the case, their compatibility with you and your body allows for your body to more effectively train their release in your body with regular acupuncture visits.
While one might think that to treat back pain the acupuncture points would solely be in the back, but this isn’t the case. Acupuncture treatment involves a multitude of acupuncture points all over the bodies connected by meridians that affect body function. That being said, there are points that help with low back pain that can be in the hands, hips, feet, and backs of the knees. Your licensed acupuncturist will examine you physically to determine the severity of your low back pain as well as your range of motion and strength to determine the best acupuncture points to use for your individual low back pain.
Success with Acupuncture for Low Back Pain
Presently in traditional medicine, there is no fool prove or proven modality for low back pain, and is often just treated with harmful opioids that is contributing more and more to the opioid epidemic in the United States. Acupuncture treatment is safe, effective, and in recent research conducted in 2021 and 2022, was shown that acupuncture for low back pain was proven to be more effective than conservative medical treatment and resulted in “the highest improvement in pain and quality of life.”