Success with Acupuncture for Lyme Disease blog pic

Success with Acupuncture for Lyme Disease

·      Headache
·      Fatigue
·      GI issues
·      Fever
·      Joint stiffness
·      Muscle pain and achiness
·      Swollen lymph nodes
·      Neurological issues
·      Migraines
·      Heart issues
·      Facial paralysis
·      Arthritis
·      Excess fluid
·      Nerve problems
·      Brain fog
·      Fatigue
·      Neuropathy
·      Blurry vision
·      Bull’s eye rash
·      Dizziness
·      1st Stage – if caught at this stage, antibiotics are effective to stop the spread of the bacteria. Unfortunately, many people don’t receive this treatment soon enough. Symptoms during this stage are akin to flu symptoms.

·      2nd Stage – this is where many people unfortunately catch Lyme disease. It’s at this stage that it can begin to affect the blood, organs, central nervous system, and heart. Symptoms can last for months or if not treated, can progress to the third stage of Lyme disease.

·      3rd Stage – this is what’s known as the advanced stage. This is essentially when all this issues that came about in the 2nd stage progress even further to chronic issues.
·      Increasing energy to the blood

·      Decreasing inflammation

·      Re-establish the body to a balanced state

·      Decrease joint and muscle pain

·      Restore blood flow to the head
·      Garlic
·      Cumin
·      Eucalyptus
·      Cinnamon
·      Chinese skullcap
·      Allspice berries
·      Thyme
·      Gingergrass
·      Japanese knotweed
·      Cat’s claw
·      Turmeric
Each stage of Lyme disease is treated in its own way with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Depending on presenting symptoms, a licensed acupuncturist will determine what stage you are in and tailor treatment to that.
·      1st Stage TCM treatment – the goal of treatment in this stage is for the acupuncturist to utilize specific acupuncture points to clear the heat in the body as well as detoxify the body to rid it of infection.

·      2nd Stage TCM treatment – the goal of treatment in this stage is for the acupuncturist to utilize specific acupuncture points as well as herbal remedies depending on the person and their constitution. Using these acupuncture points and herbs they will work to clear heat in the body, strengthen the immune system, decrease inflammation, and boost Qi (the body’s vital energy).

·      3rd Stage TCM treatment – the goal of treatment in this stage is for the acupuncturist to utilize specific acupuncture points to continue to regulate the Qi and blood in the body.

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